Serve with

Missions 2.0

Join in with

Missions 2.0 at Meck

Missions 2.0 is about doing more. It’s about going beyond the way churches and ministries used to partner together, and truly being on the front lines of what is happening here in Charlotte and around the world. Whether you’re interested in serving on the local front in the community, or you are looking to step outside of your comfort zone and explore one of our global opportunities, we know that we have just what you are looking for.

Serve Opportunities

Be a part of the misison

If you love serving your local community or going on global extension trips and are looking to take it a step further, this is for you.

Be a part of an extension mission trip to serve in one of Meck's partner countries around the globe. Membership is required for some of our trips, but for most of them anyone is able to participate.

There is nothing that is beyond the power of prayer. There is so much that needs fixing around the world and in our own backyard and we need the power of prayer to make a difference. Partner with Meck and our missions partners by praying with us, for them.

Missions 2.0 Serve Day Leaders oversee one of our monthly Serve Days. They provide leadership, prayer, direction and encouragement to the team while also ensuring that Meck is meeting the needs of our partners.

Missions 2.0 volunteers are passionate about impacting our community with the love of Christ, whether by folding clothes, sorting cans, sweeping a floor, visiting a resident in a room, painting a wall or preparing a meal. They meet physical needs while also sharing the hope of Jesus. See all upcoming serve day details.