Shine (April 2024)


April Memory Verse: Matthew 5:16

Tolu teaches your preschooler Matthew 5:16 from the Bible, "Let your light shine."


April Week 4: Glow Party: I Can Have a Happy Heart

Jesus says when we don’t argue or complain, but choose to do the right thing with a happy heart, we shine like the stars in the sky!


April Week 3: Love like Jesus by sharing!

Jesus taught his friends to love each other by sharing. How can you love like Jesus today?


April Week 2: The Great Commission – Tell People About Jesus!

Jesus gave you a VERY important job to do. Tell everyone, everywhere that Jesus is ALIVE and wants to be your friend forever!


April Week 1: This Little Light of Mine – Let Your Light Shine

When you do things with a happy heart it shines the light of Jesus for the world to see!

What the Bible Really Says About
What the Bible Really Says About

Do you ever find yourself wondering what the Bible really says about things like angels, hell, tattoos, drinking, or even aliens? A lot of people do. We know, because we asked! Each week, our senior pastor Jim White will tackle what you told us you most want to know about what the Bible really says. Be sure to join us in person or online to find out the most popular topics you voted for that we'll be talking about.

Online Campus Service Times: 
Sundays | 8:15, 9:30, 11 a.m., 1:30, 5:30, 7 and 8:30 p.m.
Tuesdays | 12 and 7:30 p.m.